Since 1921
Sailing Camps
Youth Sailing Camp 2 week course
Ages 13-17
Monday - Friday 2 consecutive weeks (weekend at home)
$960 (scholarships Available)
Campers will learn the basics of small boat sailing while doing fun drills and games designed to practice boat handling skills. A great introduction to sailing! Campers will learn to sail two-person 420's. All sailors will be expected to complete a 50 foot swim check. Our instructors are USSailing certified.

Why Sailing?
Sailing offers us a unique medium to teach more than just the practical skills of how to sail. Sailing offers peace and tranquility, along with excitement and adventure. Along the way, there are many opportunities for personal growth and team work. There are few things more liberating or empowering than being in control of a small boat skimming across the water using only the power of the wind and a few simples machines. Our hope is that junior sailors embark on a lifelong romance with sailing after we expose them to its joy.

Program Goals
Learn confidence in oneself and one's own abilities
Learn to be a good teammate
Learn to be a good leader